
Allergies and Ricky Gut

Causes of allergies and how to deal with them Causes of allergies and how to deal with them
Hello! I'm the owner of Fusubon. This time, I'd like to explain about leaky gut (a condition in which there are gaps in the cells of the intestines, etc.), which causes allergies.

What is an Allergy?

Speaking of allergies, there are allergies caused by antigens such as pollen allergies, but this time we will talk about food allergies such as wheat, soy, milk, etc. Food allergies occur when proteins are not broken down properly and enter the body as peptides (combinations of two or more amino acids).

How to prevent allergies

There are several ways to deal with allergies.

Chew well

When all proteins are properly broken down, they become their smallest units, amino acids, so it is important to chew your food well in order to improve the functioning of stomach acid and promote breakdown. Also, since stomach acid is acidic, it is best to avoid drinking hard mineral water, which contains alkaline metal ions, with meals. Of course, we recommend drinking hard water to replenish magnesium and calcium when you are not drinking between meals. We also recommend carrying nigari (a type of bittern) with you so that you can make hard water at any time.

Improves the functioning of digestive enzymes

The reason why proteins are not broken down into amino acids is because the activity and secretion of digestive enzymes is weak. This is similar to the chicken and egg question, but digestive enzymes themselves are made from amino acids. Therefore, to increase digestive enzymes and improve their function, you need to ingest proteins and amino acids to improve the digestion and absorption of proteins. If you don't like meat or protein and can't get enough of it, start by getting protein and amino acids from bone broth, oxtail soup, miso, dashi stock, eggs, etc., and gradually get used to it. Convert your body weight from kg to g, and ideally you should be able to consume at least 1x that amount of protein a day, and ideally 1.5x that amount (for a 50kg person, 50g to 75g of protein).

Living a stress-free life makes it difficult to develop Ricky Gut

Even if proteins are not broken down properly and peptides enter the intestines, if there are no gaps (leaky gut) in the intestines, the peptides will not enter the body. The causes of leaky gut are thought to be stress, lack of sleep, and accumulated fatigue, so try to lead a regular life as much as possible .

Summary of allergy prevention measures

When restricting carbohydrate intake, it is difficult to avoid ingesting protein in order to prevent muscle loss through gluconeogenesis. If you are concerned about allergies, I think you can prevent allergies to some extent by taking the above measures at the same time, so please try them out. See you next time!
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